How to Relax During IVF

April 9 2014 2:09pm

yoga during ivf

Due to the hormonal treatments and the general worries surrounding cost and infertility, many women can find IVF stressful. However, it’s essential that you learn to relax during your IVF cycle to ensure that you have the best chance of success. Studies have shown that women who reduce stress and remain emotionally healthy during their IVF cycles are more likely to become conceive.

While the overall outcome of IVF is out of your control, and success rates depend on a variety of factors including your age and health before IVF has begun, there are a number of things that you can do to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing both before and after your eggs are implanted.

Focus on stability

IVF is a major undertaking, and ideally shouldn’t be started when you are going through a lot of other changes. Try to time your IVF at a time when you are relatively stable, and avoid changing jobs, moving house, or making any other major changes to your lifestyle (particularly changes that are likely to cause stress by themselves).

Before you begin IVF, ensure that you have taken care of the financial aspect and know how you will deal with the cost so that money worries weigh on your mind.

Put your mind at ease

Talk openly with your doctor and don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to. This will mean that you know more about how to take care of yourself during IVF, and ensures that you are not worried about easily resolved issues. Making sure that you know the ins and outs of your cycle means that you feel more in control.

Consider alternative therapies for your wellbeing

Concept Fertility offers a range of wellbeing treatments, including massage and acupuncture to manage anxiety and relax throughout your IVF cycle. Acupuncture can be a complementary therapy to IVF and is being studies as a way to improve blood flow to reproductive organs and lower stress levels. Yoga is also a fantastic, low-impact way of remaining healthy and relaxing at any point in your life. Simply taking an hour a week to exercise and meditate in a peaceful environment can help to relax and improve wellbeing.


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