Treatments for Single Women

Here at Concept Fertility we offer a range of treatments which can help single women to start a family of their own.

The most common are IUI (intrauterine insemination) and IVF (in vitro fertilisation) using donor sperm.

We have arrangements with several reputable, dedicated sperm banks for use in your treatment with us. Alternatively, rather than using a sperm bank, you may have a sperm donor of your own in mind, but this should be a careful consideration.

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) Treatment

IUI is a simple treatment which involves preparing semen in a laboratory to select only the highest quality sperms for insemination. The treated semen is then introduced into the womb just before ovulation, and can be used with either natural ovulation or in conjunction with injectables, such as follicle stimulating hormones to induce ovulation.

How is IUI performed?

During the procedure, the treated semen is passed directly into the woman’s womb using a catheter. The process is largely painless, although some women report experiencing mild cramping similar to period pain. The process generally takes 10 minutes, and does not require an extended stay at the clinic.

IVF (in vitro fertilisation) Treatment

With IVF treatment a course of hormone treatment is used to stimulate the development of follicles in the ovary. The resulting eggs are then collected in theatre.  Our highly skilled embryologists then fertilise the eggs to create several embryos. After between two to five days in an incubator, one or sometimes two of these embryos are transferred through the vagina to the uterus, where implantation occurs, and pregnancy begins. The remaining embryos can be frozen at this point.

How does IVF work?

IVF treatment encompasses a number of procedures referred to as the ‘treatment cycle’ which is done in four main stages:


It is compulsory to have a detailed treatment talk with a nurse.  They will go through all the consent forms, treatment plan, scans, medications and tell you what to expect during the cycle.


All IVF treatments begin with hormone treatment to stimulate the ovaries to develop more follicles than usual. These hormone injections are self-administered with very shallow injections, and the cycle is monitored by ultrasound scan to ensure that all is progressing well and that ovulation is triggered at the right time.


Ovulation is triggered with another hormone, called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The eggs are then collected and fertilised. Egg collection is relatively quick and painless and is done under sedation, as general anaesthetic is not normally required.


Once the resulting embryos have grown and developed in-vitro, under the supervision of the embryologist, the best 1-2 are transferred into the uterus through the vagina.  Ideally, the embryo then implants to become a pregnancy, but this does not happen in all cases. As there are often spare, viable, embryos, they are frozen so that another transfer can be attempted without having to complete the hormone treatment again.

Wherever possible the transfer is made on day 5 (after egg collection) so that the embryo can reach an advanced stage of development and becomes a blastocyst.  We believe this is the best treatment for you so we do not charge extra for this ‘blastocyst culture’.  Occasionally, it is better practice to transfer the embryo earlier on day 2 or 3.

What should I expect from IVF treatments?

IVF is an ongoing process for a number of weeks, and can be emotionally and physically taxing. For the best chance of success, it’s important that you are healthy before the treatment cycle begins, and that you remain healthy throughout the process.

You will need to visit the fertility clinic throughout these weeks for check-ups, consultations, and treatment. During this time, it’s also extremely important that you eat well, avoid smoking/alcohol, and remain relaxed so that your body is receptive to the treatment. We can offer counselling for IVF patients to help you remain calm and understand how your body is reacting to the hormone treatments.

Legal Advice

Single women in the UK have the same right to parenthood as others, but it’s important to receive suitable legal advice prior to any fertility treatments you wish to undergo. The legal implications of conceiving with a sperm donor can be particularly complicated in certain circumstances, so receiving legal advice in these cases should help you avoid any future problems regarding parenthood.

Fertility Counselling

Making the decision to have a baby on your own can be daunting, so you may wish to consider counselling. At Concept Fertility, we offer implications counselling for you and your potential donor (if you have one) where you can talk through various scenarios and possibilities and ask the professionals any questions you may have.

We also offer counselling to patients undergoing IVF treatment. This is entirely safe and confidential and will give you the opportunity to discuss and understand your specific needs and ensure you are fully informed of any legal processes. Bringing a child into the world can be complicated and emotional, so speaking to a trained professional will benefit your mental health.

Support Groups

As well as counselling, you may also want to consider joining a support group. You may not receive medical advice from your support group, but it can help to have people to lean on who can give you some emotional guidance and just a listening ear. You will be able to share your experiences and provide mutual peer support.  There are plenty of support groups available across the country so be sure to do your research and find one that is convenient to you and your location.

If you would like to discuss your fertility and potential treatment options, don’t hesitate to book a consultation with us at your earliest convenience.


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