Success Rates

pregnancy scan

Choosing your clinic can be a daunting experience with many considerations, not least the IVF success rates.  Concept are known as a particularly inclusive clinic in regards to our patient selection criteria, an ethos we are proud of.  And we are very proud of our results.

Our latest fresh embryo transfer results are from 2023.  Frozen embryo transfers are from 2022.

The HFEA latest results are from 2019 and can be found at this link: HFEA National Statistics.

Fresh IVF & ICSI cycles, patients’ own eggs – January to December 2023

Clinical pregnancies per embryo transferred

Age Group

Clinical Pregnancy Rate

HFEA National Average*

Number of Embryos Transferred

Under 35 38% 42% 16
35-37 57% 34% 21
38-39 31% 26% 13
40-42 17% 16% 41
43-44 13% 9% 16

*Latest HFEA National Averages available, from 2022.

Fresh IVF & ICSI cycles, patients’ own eggs – January to December 2023

Live birth per embryo transferred

Age Group

Live Birth Rate

HFEA National Average*

Number of Embryos Transferred

Under 35 38% 35% 16
35-37 43% 26% 21
38-39 31% 18% 13
40-42 17% 10% 41
43-44 6% 5% 16

*Latest HFEA National Averages available, from 2022.

Frozen IVF & ICSI cycles, patients’ own eggs – January to December 2022

Clinical pregnancies per embryo transferred

Age Group

Number of Embryos Transferred

Clinical Pregnancy Rate

Under 35 56 46.6%
35-37 40 52.5%
38-39 34 29.4%
40-42 29 24.1%
43-44 5 40%


Frozen IVF & ICSI cycles, patients’ own eggs – January to December 2022.

Live birth per embryo transferred

Age Group

Number of Embryos Transferred

Live Birth Rate

Under 35 56 39.3%
35-37 40 40%
38-39 34 23.5%
40-42 29 13.8%
43-44 5 0%


How to interpret these results

How do clinical pregnancy success rates compare to live birth rates?

Clinical pregnancies are when foetal heartbeats are seen by ultrasound. There is always a miscarriage rate which means that the live birth rates will usually be lower than the clinical pregnancy rate. Our own results show no decline between pregnancy and live birth for certain age groups, this is simply because of the small numbers involved and we would always, regrettably, expect a decline when looking at larger numbers. The tables above show figures for both fresh and frozen transfers.

Why is this time frame presented?

Live birth rates take time to collate. Pregnancies last around 9 months and then a year’s data is normally collated together. For this reason the latest national figures take a little longer to become available.

How does Concept Fertility rank against other fertility clinics?

It is worth noting what the HFEA (the fertility sector regulator) publishes: “it is not meaningful to directly compare clinics’ success rates” and “the majority of clinics perform around the national average”.  We believe that our pregnancy statistics stack up very well against the national equivalents, especially as we do not operate a restrictive patient-selection or treatment-selection policy like most other clinics. The best forecast for the result from any future cycle would be that it would be similar to the national average. Read on to know a little more about how the statistics are compiled.

Pregnancy / live birth statistics are affected by a clinic’s patient selection policy.

When patients come to us they ask us to help them have a baby. We advise them of the options and chances of success and then proceed with treatment if that is their wish. We have very inclusive criteria and as long as the patient has a chance of success and our doctors agree, we go ahead and treat. We don’t reject patients if their sperm or eggs, or some other element, suggests a poorer prognosis. Statistically, this means that our results could be predicted to expect a lower than average success rate and this is why we at Concept are happy to be consistent with the average.

Some of the selections are politically determined too. For example, the national data includes NHS cycles. The NHS has its own patient and treatment selection criteria and these quite often vary between the different Health Authority regions. As the NHS does not offer all the treatment cycles to all the patients who want them, their selection criteria skew the predictive probabilities for the rest of the population and further muddy the statistical waters.

Pregnancy / live birth statistics are affected by a clinic’s treatment selection policy.

We suggest to patients the treatment which we think is best for them, not the treatment which is best for the clinic. This means that we perform high numbers of IUIs (intra-uterine inseminations) as well as IVF (in-vitro fertilisation) cycles and we also offer simple cycle monitoring. We also advise some patients that they should try naturally for a while longer. If we had pushed everyone towards IVF, or not offered the other treatments at all, one would have to reasonably assume that our IVF success rates would be higher because the resulting group of patients would have had, on average, simpler infertility problems.

How statistical choices affect pregnancy / live birth statistics (Success Rates).

There are many ways to define what success is: not just with whether a pregnancy is biochemical, clinical or live birth, but also relating to the number of embryos transferred, the multiple-birth rate and whether the clinic chooses, for example, to show cumulative success rates or multiple-cycle success rates. Sometimes you have to remind yourself of the phrase often attributed to Mark Twain “There Are Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics”.

How accurate are the mathematics?

Statistics are used as predictions and for any degree of accuracy there has to be a sufficient number of cases. The HFEA writes: “If there is only a small number of women in an age group it can make results appear to be very changeable, when expressed as a percentage… For this reason, we do not present percentages where the group size (for instance the number of cycles performed) is fewer than 50.” As Concept Fertility has a relatively small number of cycles in each age group, any percentage we publish could potentially be quite variable, so the numbers in our tables should be seen as indicative only when used for predictions. This is illustrated in the above tables where some of our figures appear to be higher than the national average and some appear to be lower.

So, do useful statistics exist anywhere? Read on…



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