BMI/Anaesthetists Evaluation

As a clinic we will potentially treat patients whose BMI is up to 40.0. We prefer our patients to have lower BMIs and, whilst our BMI limit is higher than that of many other clinics, we try to balance what is best for patients. For example, where BMI is reducing but the biological clock is ticking, we try to find the right balance.

If your BMI is over 35 or if you have any other weight or airway issues, you will be required to have a consultation with one of our anaesthetists before an operative procedure (under sedation) can be confirmed.

Assessing you before your procedure allows us to determine your ability to have the procedure and to minimize any risks whilst you are under sedation. The Consultant Anaesthetist may ask more questions on your previous medical and surgical history which may impact your procedure. They may also ask for your blood pressure and pulse to be measured. Other tests could include further blood tests and an ECG (tracing your hearts activity). As well as discussing the risks involved with sedation and your procedure, this gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.



Summer Offer

A FREE Full Consultation (normally £180) with a Fertility Doctor when you book a diagnostic scan.

The consultation will take place immediately after your scan. It will explain your scan results, review your medical history, discuss your fertility plans, and agree a personalised plan of action if you want one.

Details of our scans can be found by following this link

Call our Patient Services Team on 020 33 88 3000

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