What to Expect From Your First Appointment at Concept Fertility

December 23 2019 11:19am

IVF consultation

If you are concerned about your ability to conceive a baby but you’re not entirely sure whether or not you need treatment, and if so, what treatment is appropriate, you would benefit from an initial consultation with us. During this meeting, we will investigate your full medical history to try and understand if there’s anything that could be causing fertility issues. You might also have an ultrasound scan, which will be carried out by the same doctor so that no information is lost in translation or delayed.

After analysing your medical history and general health, we will give you some advice regarding each of the options that are suitable to your situation. For our female patients, we will likely check your ovarian reserve and for men, you may be given a semen analysis. By attending this consultation, you will avoid having any unnecessary tests done or treatments carried out, as this would be extremely distressing for you and potentially costly. Of course, this meeting is also a great way to meet our wonderful staff and get used to us as a clinic.

The reason behind the majority of infertility cases can now be established, thanks to breakthroughs in science and technology over the years. Once we understand why you are struggling to conceive, we can formulate a plan that everyone agrees on and is comfortable with. As well as the initial consultation discussed above, we do have some other diagnostic packages, each with the underlying aim of helping you save time, money and emotional and physical distress.

Concept Fertility is a friendly facility and we always try to make our patients feel as comfortable as possible with a completely personal service. You will have members of our expert team by your side throughout your journey, giving you the support and advice you need every step of the way. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Categories: News



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