Fertility Preservation

There are two normal scenarios whereby people may wish to preserve their fertility – medical and social. Preservation normally means cryopreserving eggs, sperms or embryos for use at a later date with the intention of locking-in your current fertility for the future.

Preservation for Medical Reasons.

The original reason scientists developed cryopreservation techniques was to offer future fertility treatment to cancer sufferers. More often nowadays the cancer treatment is successful in treating the sufferer but at the same time it reduces their fertility reserve or renders them sterile. Cryopreserved eggs, sperms or embryos, although often successful, can never be guaranteed to produce a child but if this is the only choice people have, they should discuss their options with their doctor.

Fertility Preservation for Social Reasons

Increasingly people wish to delay starting their families and freeze their eggs, sperms or embryos for use later. People should be aware that no treatment can guarantee success and that this delaying decision may lead to them not having children. Eggs and sperms have been frozen for many years now. The techniques are established, results are known and gold-standard scientific reviews have been carried out. We can be confident that the thawed items will produce nearly as good results as if they were fresh. This standard of data still does not exist anywhere for egg freezing, as it is a newer and more difficult procedure, and therefore egg freezing is still classified as experimental by most clinics. Nevertheless, it is an option that is becoming more and more common and we offer it here at Concept, as well as sperm and embryo freezing.

Men or women expecting to face a hazardous environment, eg in a military situation or if they may be exposed to radiation or chemicals, may wish to consider their fertility preservation options.

For Women

A decision has to be whether to have their family naturally (consider their social/work reasons or settle for Mr Almost-Right?) or to cryopreserve. And if it is the latter, whether to cryopreserve eggs or embryos. Donor sperm is available to create embryos (and these offer a better chance of producing a child than if the eggs are preserved) but this eliminates the option of a future male partner being the genetic father.

For Men

There are fewer social reasons for freezing sperm as, although male fertility does decline with age, it is usually viable well into old age. If men have to have their sperm surgically extracted, it is usually cryopreserved so that it can be used for planned fertility treatment.

Frozen Embryo

Frozen Embryo Transfers

Frozen Embryo Transfers

What is an FET?

Frozen Embryo Transfers (FETs) use embryos, unused and cryopreserved, from a previous IVF cycle. They are thawed, checked to ensure that they have survived and are growing, and transferred into your uterus. The resulting outcome will be the same as if it took place following a natural or IVF pregnancy.

The whole process is a lot simpler than its preceding IVF cycle as you do not need to take the follicular stimulating hormones that you previously self-injected to produce the eggs, and you do not need to have the operation to retrieve the eggs from your ovaries. Instead, you will take hormones to build your uterine lining in preparation for receiving the embryos. You will still need to be monitored by ultrasound to check progress.

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Sperm Freezing

Sperm Freezing & Storage

Sperm Freezing & Storage

Much like egg freezing, sperm freezing allows men to use their sperm if they need to delay conception or if they are undergoing medical procedures that are likely to affect fertility. Unlike eggs, sperm can be frozen and stored indefinitely – there are no limits placed on how long sperm can remain frozen before use.

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Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing

Concept Fertility can help you extend or preserve your fertility period through egg freezing. Babies born through the freeze-thaw process are healthy, and success rates are high (depending on a range of factors such as number of eggs removed and age at the time of freezing).

“When we came to you we were not confident that our situation could be helped. Having had a failed attempt at IVF on the NHS. The care, consideration and professionalism that all your staff showed throughout our time with you was more than we could have ever hoped for. There are no words that can express our gratitude for what you have done for us. You have helped to change our lives in a way that we thought might never happen. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.”


Book a FREE 15 minute consultation with a Fertility Doctor.

The consultation will take place online and is a great way to start your fertility journey and get your initial questions answered.

Call our Patient Services Team tom book now on 020 33 88 3000

or email us at info@conceptfertility.com