
lady holding a baby and smiling

With one in six couples trying for a baby needing to see a fertility specialist, fertility treatments are more commonplace that you might think. Some people think that “fertility centre” is synonymous with “IVF centre” but there are also a range of simpler treatments possible.

Here at Concept we generally advise people to try the simplest treatment first. However, the chances of success in a single treatment are usually higher with the more invasive, and more expensive, treatments such as IVF so it is a decision that patients must weigh up carefully. In addition, it is very often the case that patients come to us because they know they are approaching that age where fertility rates decline. In these scenarios their decisions are further complicated by the fact that a delay trying a simpler treatment first might mean that the chances of success in a more aggressive treatment become lower, simply by the fact that the patient will be that much older.

Most treatments involve monitoring by transvaginal 3D ultrasound. Usually the woman’s ovaries are stimulated using medications called gonadotrophins and another to trigger maturation of her eggs. Then the woman has intercourse naturally, or our doctor introduces sperm to the uterus via a catheter, or there is an operation to collect eggs and another procedure to transfer back the embryo.


“When we came to you we were not confident that our situation could be helped. Having had a failed attempt at IVF on the NHS. The care, consideration and professionalism that all your staff showed throughout our time with you was more than we could have ever hoped for. There are no words that can express our gratitude for what you have done for us. You have helped to change our lives in a way that we thought might never happen. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.”


Book a FREE 15 minute consultation with a Fertility Doctor.

The consultation will take place online and is a great way to start your fertility journey and get your initial questions answered.

Call our Patient Services Team tom book now on 020 33 88 3000

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