Joanna Villalard

A photo of Joanna Villalard

Joanna was one of the first to join us at Concept and quickly earned promotion to become manager of her department. She had previously worked in two large London fertility clinics managing administration and liaison. Joanna has many years of experience in dealing with all aspects of clinic administration and patient support. She works closely with the nursing team to ensure the smooth running of patient treatments.

Joanna is supported by her team members Zdenek, Esther, Sophie, Simone and Megan.


Summer Offer

A FREE Full Consultation (normally £180) with a Fertility Doctor when you book a diagnostic scan.

The consultation will take place immediately after your scan. It will explain your scan results, review your medical history, discuss your fertility plans, and agree a personalised plan of action if you want one.

Details of our scans can be found by following this link

Call our Patient Services Team on 020 33 88 3000

or email us at