The Most Common Fertility Myths

November 27 2017 10:17am

Like any health issue, fertility is surrounded with myths and outdated information which can confuse people who are trying to conceive or even reduce their chances of success. Our doctors often hear people repeat these myths – unfortunately, it is difficult to find reliable sources of information, especially with the vast number of contradictory articles online. These are some of the most common myths we have heard at Concept Fertility.

Fertility is a Woman’s Issue

A common and very old fashioned misconception is that women the ones who are usually affected with fertility problems. The truth is that in around a third of cases the woman suffers a particular issue affecting fertility, in a third of cases it is the man, and in another third both partners may have fertility problems (or their infertility is considered ‘unexplained’). As more studies focus on male fertility, hopefully this myth will be put to rest.

Conception is Easy After the First Child

Once a couple has had one child, it is easy to expect the next conception to be simpler or faster, just because you have confirmed that you can naturally conceive. However, it is not uncommon for couples to suffer from secondary infertility. If there has been a large time gap between the first child and trying to conceive again, fertility issues may be age related or due to a depleted ovarian reserve. Also, previous pregnancies can cause fertility issues through infection and blockage of fallopian tubes, so having one child is unfortunately no guarantee that you will be able to conceive naturally again.

It’s Easy to Get Pregnant

By the time a couple decides to conceive, they may have spent a decade or even more trying to avoid pregnancy. That anxiety, coupled with a lack of easily accessible information about conception, can mean that people hugely underestimate how long it takes to get pregnant. It’s quite unlikely that a couple will be able to conceive in the first month of trying, but most will conceive naturally within a year. If you have been trying for a year, it is time to visit a fertility clinic. If one or both partners are over the age of 35, it is best to visit a fertility clinic within 6 months.

Lifestyle Doesn’t Matter

Most people will understand that it’s important to stop drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy, but do not realise that these activities will affect your chances of conception as well. Reducing stress, exercising, and eating healthily are all essential to good fertility and overall health.



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