Antihistamines Have Been linked to Fertility Problems in Men

April 23 2018 1:41pm

Common allergy medications have been linked to fertility issues in men. Antihistamines are just another over the counter medication that can have a negative effect on fertility over time.

An Argentinian review of commonly taken drugs has identified antihistamines are one of the drugs that impairs normal testicular function. Researchers have found that these drugs can lead to altered sperm morphology, decreased sperm motility, and lower sperm count. However, these studies are on animals and human studies are still limited.

A rise in allergies throughout the western world has turned antihistamines into one of the world’s most popular drugs. While histamines are produced in response to allergens, they are also involved in other physical processes such as sleep regulation, sexual behaviour, and fertility. Therefore, regulating or reducing histamines due to allergies may have unwanted side effects when it comes to sleep patterns and overall fertility.

Sperm health has been on the decline over the last few decades, and researchers have pointed to the possibility that common and increasing use of medications such as painkillers and antihistamines may play a large part in that change. Overall, many agents have been linked to infertility in both men and women, but it is important to consider the extent of that impact and balance that against the effects of not taking the medication.

If you have concerns about your medication and its impact on your health, it is important to discuss this with a doctor rather than avoiding the medication (especially if it is used to manage seasonal symptoms). The safety of drugs such as antihistamines is kept under constant review. If you are visiting a fertility specialist, it is also important to list all of your commonly-taken medications, even if you are not taking them at that moment – for example, if you take antihistamines in spring but are visiting a specialist in autumn, it is still worth noting them.


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