Does My Uterine Tract Tilt Affect My Fertility?

May 22 2018 3:25pm

The uterus, also called the womb, is where a baby grows during pregnancy. It is shaped like a pear and joined to the walls of the pelvis by flexible ligaments that enable it to tilt forward and backward. If your uterus is anteverted, it means it is tilted towards the front of the abdomen. Your uterus can also tilt backwards, which is referred to as a retroverted uterus.

The vast majority of women don’t actually know what direction their uterus tilts. However, a pelvic exam or ultrasound will help you find out. If you have an anteverted uterus and are struggling to conceive a child, it is likely due to another fertility issue, since the shape or tilt of your womb won’t affect the sperm’s ability to reach the egg. What’s more, you shouldn’t experience any pain and you will have a normal and healthy sex life.

Having an anteverted uterus is a perfectly ordinary genetic variation, just like the colour of your eyes, and it is not considered a health condition or an abnormality. Around 75% of women have an anteverted uterus and it requires no form of treatment.

For the remaining 25% of women who have a retroverted uterus, it is highly unlikely that it will cause fertility problems, but you may experience some symptoms during the first trimester. These symptoms include back ache, urinary tract infections and difficulty locating the baby during an ultrasound. By the second trimester, it is more than likely that your uterus tilt will correct itself. If it doesn’t, you will be at higher risk of a miscarriage, but this is extremely rare.

If you are struggling to conceive a child, it is unlikely due to your uterine tilt. There are various other factors that could lead to infertility in both yourself and your partner, so it is important that you speak to your doctor as soon as possible, who will be able to run some tests and help you proceed.


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