Category: Case Study

January 14 2022 2:58pm

Heather lost a staggering 30kgs with our nutritionist and is now pregnant

Heather is a current patient who is now 23 weeks pregnant after having fertility treatment with our amazing team at Concept. She has worked so very hard to prepare her...

Mary and her baby
June 1 2020 11:47am

Case Study: Mary’s Story

Mary is a lovely lady in her late 30s who tried to conceive naturally for years without success. After 4 failed cycle of IVF elsewhere she decided to move her...

a couple and their baby
February 21 2020 5:44pm

Case Study: Katherine & Ashley’s story

Katherine and Ashley are a lovely young couple who came to Concept Fertility after trying naturally for one year. We loved being part of their journey helping them having this...

Hana's baby
November 18 2019 10:30am

Case Study: Hana’s Story

It’s fantastic to know that we have been able to truly help someone and make a difference in their life. That was the case for Hana, a single woman in...


Summer Offer

A FREE Full Consultation (normally £180) with a Fertility Doctor when you book a diagnostic scan.

The consultation will take place immediately after your scan. It will explain your scan results, review your medical history, discuss your fertility plans, and agree a personalised plan of action if you want one.

Details of our scans can be found by following this link

Call our Patient Services Team on 020 33 88 3000

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