Category: Egg Freezing

Woman holding her abdomen
December 18 2023 12:38pm

Should I Freeze My Eggs If I Have Endometriosis?

Deciding whether to freeze your eggs is a complex and personal decision, and having endometriosis adds an additional layer of consideration. Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the...

Baby holding a finger
November 30 2023 10:08am

Egg Freezing: Options for Future Parenthood

In the dynamic landscape of family planning, advancements in reproductive technologies have empowered individuals to take control of their fertility journey. For those considering the option of egg freezing, a...

Liquid nitrogen
October 31 2023 11:39am

Is Egg Freezing Right for You?

In recent years, egg freezing has emerged as a revolutionary fertility preservation technique, offering women the option to extend their reproductive timelines. Whether due to career aspirations, health concerns, or...

egg freezing process
October 3 2023 10:42am

Exploring the Science Behind Egg Freezing: How Does it Work?

In recent years, advancements in reproductive medicine have given individuals more control over their fertility. One such advancement is egg freezing, a procedure that allows people to preserve their eggs...

egg freezing
August 28 2023 9:56am

Egg Freezing: Addressing Common Concerns & Questions

Fertility for women concerns ovulation and ovarian reserve (the number of eggs a woman has). As it diminishes with age, so do the chances of conception. Egg Freezing is a...

egg freezing
February 6 2023 1:49pm

Is It Necessary to Freeze Your Eggs?

In previous posts we explored egg freezing, the benefits and what the process involves. In summary, egg freezing is a way of preserving female fertility. Fertility declines with age as...

test tube being held with a forcep
August 8 2022 8:26am

The Benefits of Freezing Your Eggs at a Young Age

A woman’s chance to conceive decreases with age as her egg count depletes. In their early-to-mid twenties, every month females have a 20-25% chance to get pregnant. This drops significantly...

A couple holding hands in the doctor's office
May 20 2022 8:19am

How to Prepare Your Body for Egg Freezing

Egg freezing is a procedure that’s considered by many women for a multitude of reasons. Some opt to have their eggs cryopreserved for the best chances of conceiving when the...

egg freezing
January 25 2022 2:20pm

Should I Freeze My Eggs?

If you’re considering freezing your eggs, you may have come across a range of information both online and via your doctor, which can feel quite overwhelming. Fertility treatments can be...

female consultation at fertility clinic
May 12 2021 3:35pm

Egg Freezing – Getting Started and Step by Step

  Egg freezing might be an option if you’re not ready to become pregnant now, but you know that you want to have children in the future. This treatment can...

egg freezing
October 14 2019 2:20pm

Fertility News: UK Bill to Reconsider Egg Freezing Time Limit

Egg freezing is a method of preserving a woman’s fertility so she may try and have children in the future. The current maximum storage period for frozen gametes (eggs and...

pregnant woman
March 25 2019 9:15am

3 Benefits of Egg Freezing

Women freeze their eggs for numerous medical and lifestyle reasons. If you know you want to have children in the future, but currently want to focus on other areas of...


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The consultation will take place immediately after your scan. It will explain your scan results, review your medical history, discuss your fertility plans, and agree a personalised plan of action if you want one.

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