GP Study Day on Advanced Parental Age

February 5 2014 8:06am

Advanced parental age

Concept are delighted to be hosting a study day for GPs on the theme of  Delayed Parenthood in the Third Millennium on the 21st February 2014 between 12:30 and 17:00 at our offices in Putney.

Advanced Paternal Age in the Third Millennium will be the subject discussed by Professor Martha Dirnfeld, followed by

An Update on Polycystic Ovaries by Professor Helen Mason, then the subject of

Fertility Preservation in Young Women with Cancer by Professor Gedis Grudzinskas, and

The Role of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) in Fertility by Professor Roy Homburg.

There will also be talks by our own Medical Director, Mr Kamal Ojha, on Fertility Management in Primary and Secondary Care and by our Nurse Manager, Katharine Hagues, on Preconception Counselling in Couples Planning Fertility Treatment.

Finally, we will have  Ask the Expert panels on Social Fertility Preservation and Advanced Maternal Age.

The study day is by invitation only but is free to GPs in practice. If you are a GP and would like to attend but have not yet received an invitation, please contact us at Concept Fertility to register and receive your invitation.

The Concept Team.

Click here for contact details

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