Dealing With Your Emotions During IVF Treatment

June 10 2019 10:37am


IVF treatment can be a stressful process and an emotional rollercoaster ride. There can be many contributing factors to these heightened feelings, including the treatment timescale, the hormonal effects of the medication and the anxiety about the success of the treatment.

To help you prepare for dealing with your emotions during IVF treatment, we have put together the following advice…


To reduce your stress levels, it is important that you gather as much information as possible about the procedure and prepare yourself for your IVF journey.

The best way to do this is by asking as many questions as possible to your chosen fertility clinic. The more you know and understand about the process, the less anxious you will feel. You should also find out what resources or support services are available through your fertility clinic. Here at Concept Fertility Clinic we offer support groups and links with independent wellbeing experts, who can help you with areas such as nutrition, psychotherapy, acupuncture and yoga.


Medical teams can give you all the information you need about the IVF procedure itself, but they may not be the best people to help support you through the emotional side of the treatment.
Talk to others who have been through IVF to gain support from people who understand what you are going through. Friends are family members are the best place to start if you are seeking advice, or look for an IVF support group in your local area that you could join. There are also many helpful online communities and blogs you can follow.


There are many techniques that can be used to help you through the mental and emotional side of the IVF process. However, you may need to try several different techniques to find which one works best for you.

Yoga and meditation can help to reduce stress and allow you to focus on a positive outlook about the IVF process.  Some of these techniques can also be used to help you sleep.

Another very simple recommendation for looking after your wellbeing during your IVF treatment is to rest and take care of yourself. Sleep well, exercise and regularly reward yourself, to keep your body and mind healthy and happy.

Categories: IVF




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