Tips on Boosting a Couple’s Fertility

March 26 2013 1:19pm

Couple with baby shoes

When couples make the life changing decision to bring a child into the world the confirmation of pregnancy simply cannot come soon enough. Many couples are extremely lucky in this respect and conceive very soon after they start to try for a child, others – and there are many, are not so fortunate.

There are a few ways that couples can tackle the heart wrenching issue of fertility problems, Private Fertility Clinics are the obvious choice but what else can couples do, on their own, to increase the chances of conception. In this document we have listed some simple measures that couples can take throughout their normal daily lives to increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy…


Weight control – Being under or over weight can have a significant negative effect on conception for a woman. Studies show that women with a pre-pregnancy BMI (Body Mass Index) of 25-39 (this is considered overweight or obese) took twice as long to conceive as a woman with a normal (18.5 to 24.9) BMI. A BMI less than 19 was shown to be even worse and resulted in women taking up to four times longer to conceive. Private Fertility Clinics strongly advise women to remain at a healthy weight before and during conception.

Drinking – Both Alcohol and Caffeine have been shown to reduce fertility in women. Both of these substances are safe to consume in moderation but should be carefully monitored before and during pregnancy.


Sperm Protection – Although the effects of heat on the production and health of sperm have mixed findings it is generally recommended that a man avoid direct testicular contact with excessive heat sources such as hot baths and even placing a laptop computer on the legs for extended periods of time. The wearing of boxer shorts is also recommended to enable the testicles to move freely throughout the day; briefs tend to squash the testicles to the body which is effectively an unnatural state.

Drinking – As with women the regulated consumption of both Caffeine and Alcohol is recommended when trying to achieve pregnancy.


Smoking – Smoking is scientifically proven to adversely affect both a woman and a man’s fertility. In women smoking affects how receptive the uterus is to the egg and in men, smoking can reduce sperm production and damage DNA. Private Fertility Clinics strongly advise both men and women to quit smoking before and during pregnancy. It is also worth noting that passive smoking for a new-born or young child is extremely damaging to their health.

Pesticides and other harmful Exposure – Exposure to pesticide, especially agricultural pesticides, can harm both men and women`s fertility. Also exposure to some solvents and toxins (including but not exclusive to those used in printing businesses and dry cleaning establishments) can adversely affect women`s fertility.

Frequent Sex – This would seem fairly obvious but it is always worth noting that frequent sex, especially around the “Fertile window” (the six day period of time that ends with ovulation) will dramatically increase a couples chances of conception.

Lubricants – Frequent sex may bring the need for lubrication. Some lubricants contain spermicidal agents and even some impromptu household lubricants such as soap can severely damage sperm. It is also advisable to avoid commercially available water-based lubricants. Water-based lubricants such as Astroglide, KY Jelly, and Touch, may inhibit sperm motility by 60% to 100%.

If you would like more advice on fertility or require any of our other expert services contact Concept Fertility the Private Fertility Clinic.


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