7 Tips to Improve Your Chances of Pregnancy

April 13 2015 8:13am

Fertility wellbeing


While fertility research is developing new and exciting treatments as time goes on, it’s important to do whatever you can to increase your chances of becoming pregnant and carrying it to term. Many of these tips are simply a good idea for overall health, while others significantly increase your chances of success.

  1. Eat well: a healthy diet is essential to your long term health, mobility at an older age, ongoing wellbeing, and your reproductive health. You need a well-balanced diet that is appropriate for your sex and size.
  2. Sleep well: Sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy body and mind. Studies have shown that lack of sleep and irregular sleeping patterns affects the reproductive health of men and women.
  3. Exercise: Your BMI and physical fitness can have a huge impact on fertility. A high BMI has an impact on sperm quantity and quality in men, while women with a high BMI are less likely to have a successful pregnancy through IVF or naturally. Weight loss and exercise can also correct anovulation and irregular ovulation in some cases, making it easier to get pregnant even without a fertility treatment.
  4. Go to a doctor early: this is true of any health concerns, but particularly suspected fertility issues. It’s important to visit a doctor early and get treatment/tests done as soon as possible – catching fertility problems early (such as Premature Ovarian Aging before it becomes Premature Ovarian Failure) can hugely improve chances of a successful pregnancy. Since fertility declines with age, delaying while trying to conceive naturally if there is an underlying problem can have a significant impact.
  5. Reduce your alcohol intake: alcohol can affect your body’s hormonal balance, which has a further effect on ovulation or even embryo implantation.
  6. Stop smoking: smoking can also reduce fertility, cause miscarriages, and even cause birth defects if continued through the pregnancy. Male smokers are also more likely to suffer from erectile difficulties and lower sperm quality.
  7. Have sex at the right time: if you want to conceive, it’s important to have sex during and shortly after ovulation for the best possible chances.

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